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I HAVE NO ENEMIES | Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 22 REACTION!!


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#BOLDcast #VinlandSaga #VinlandSagaSeason2
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BOLDcast June 6, 2023 - 1:59 am

For everyone saying I didn't understand Canute, you should watch deeper in the discussion.

(and stay for both discussions, they're bangers)

7Slimy June 6, 2023 - 6:11 am

I love your discussion, glad i stayed around to hear all of it.

M.I. Orko June 6, 2023 - 6:41 am

Canute is simply trying to keep the Vikings in line with proper rules and order and he needs wealth to keep them employed. He is not a good guy, he just does what he thinks is nesessary for the survival of his kingdom.

covitooo June 6, 2023 - 6:53 am

The second Thorfinn called out middle part, Carson fixed his hair LMAO

RedHeadPNZ June 6, 2023 - 7:15 am

Canute is trying to bring peace to the most hostile culture. This is impossible without violence. We need restrictions, harsh laws… what Canute is already doing. To change the worldview of a huge culture = to build a paradise on this territory. It's a difficult task, but for some reason people don't understand Canute. They call him a murderer and a tyrant, forgetting about his actions to prevent further violence. Even in the situation with the requisition of the farm, he chose the lesser of evils. And what are the other options? Raise taxes for the entire population (risk of rebellion) or disband the army in England (great risk of rebellion and war). Canute is an incredible man, people may disagree with him, but it won't hurt to understand the reasons for his actions. After all, the world is changing for the better because of people like him

Izaiah Sanchez June 6, 2023 - 7:25 am

You leaning back witnessing peak fiction when thorfinn said "I have no enemies" did it for me LMAO

Lober Lordan June 6, 2023 - 7:37 am

Your son you will name him chaldéens!!lenzy.

Girth Check June 6, 2023 - 7:53 am

Bro if I saw that I would become his apostle like Jesus. Like I'm following that guy now.

Adam Young June 6, 2023 - 7:55 am

Canute is a Consequentialist (ends justify the means), while Thorfinn is a deontological (actions chosen based on principle, not sought outcome) pacifist

Dertan Lee June 6, 2023 - 8:40 am

Canute remind me of a certain germain leader

Nothing June 6, 2023 - 8:55 am

Best episode so far

Sahar June 6, 2023 - 8:58 am

This entire episode of Vinland Saga was just incredible. It's quite possibly the best episode I've seen of any anime in this entire spring season. Almost everything in this episode was great in my opinion.

– The Vikings even Drott (who later apologised) having respect for Thorfinn as a true warrior.

– Thorfinn finally saying the words his father Thors (and even us viewers) wanted him to say and believe in all this time.

– Olmar admiring Thorfinn's determination and strength to fight for Ketil's farm without any violence.

– Einar showing us the pain of an average person getting caught in the violence caused by ideals of people like Canute.

– Canute's revealing his true ideals on how he will make his version of "Paradise" on earth.

AverageGamer June 6, 2023 - 9:02 am

My predictions are thorfinn and canute will settle on a deal. What that will be i have no idea.

M ray June 6, 2023 - 9:09 am

I have no enemies.

STMTS Kevin June 6, 2023 - 9:37 am

The guy's got a whole lot of nothing to say, incredibly painful to listen to him talk. The girl is a lot more interesting to listen to, shes actually able to articulate her thoughts 🤣 stop talking over her and rambling on, youre not as interesting as you think you are, my dude. This channel feels like itd be better with just her ngl

Dwarf June 6, 2023 - 10:31 am

Canute is different from ordinary Vikings, you are wrong when you say that he does the same thing, only for himself. His task is to save the Vikings, conquer them, unite them, and then create a paradise. That is, his task is to create a large state and gradually destroy the very idea of the Vikings, because it is a symbol of destruction and chaos, which means it cannot be in paradise. He cannot bring paradise and peace to England and Denmark just by fighting the Vikings and trying to kill them all, he needs to conquer them and show "Lost Love", thereby breaking the chain of hatred and their destruction.

Dwarf June 6, 2023 - 10:33 am

Canute cannot build a paradise in England and Denmark unless he conquers the Vikings and changes them. He needs to unite them, manage them and show them "True Love". This is the only way to stop wars in England and Denmark. He needs to become a Viking and a Demon himself, to ingratiate himself into trust, to destroy them from the inside

David June 6, 2023 - 10:35 am

Tbf what Canute wants is somewhat realistic. There are several periods in history where there is a chaotic warring region that gets conquered by one group. And then the one group maintains a long period of peace.

JustAnother Face June 6, 2023 - 11:03 am

Here's what I took from Canute's speech. I think it can be understood as the season 1 episode 'Out of the cradle' sets our premises and this episode gives Canutes conclusions.

From that episode we understand that due to the first sin humans have been cast out of paradise unable to ever return no matter how many of gods trials are placed in front of them. The vikings in Canutes opinion are the people futherest from love, both gods love (and thus the most abandoned) but also in their ability to show love to all people since they exist in a world where there are always enemies. In this episode canute says himself that people can be defined as those who wonder lost and commit sin, a direct consequence of the expulsion from Eden and abandonment by god (Also a very thomas hobs world view). In order to save this group of people he belives he has to become the strongest of the Vikings to conqure the conquers and unite the abandoned. This choice is the act of rebellion against god. To give a home to the people he abandoned. If he can take control of them and he is strong enough to enforce his values on them he can change them and lead them away from sin. Canute has already shown himself to be ruthless in this regard. In episode 5 we see him order the beheading and displaying of the vikings who decide to pillage Mercia and look for girls to sell. Aptly that epsiode is titled 'Path of blood' as canute is decending into the same hell thorfin envisioned in episode 9 in order take control of those who represent the worst in humanity and take them elsewhere. Thorfin on the other hand was determined to pull himself out of that place along with the souls of all those he had killed. This is where things get a little strange. In many ways what Canute is doing is more selfless than thorfins approach. Thorfin is being better to save his own soul and attempting to reconcile the effects those evil people have on the world we live in. Canute on the other hand is attempting to address the issue at the cause by taking control of those evil people and he is will willing to abondon his own soul to do it, after all he doesnt need it if he is going to rebel against god in the first place. As he said himself it is the duty of a king to give meaning to their battels and teach them when they must fight and aginst whom. The vikings under Canutes control are fighting for a greater purpose though they dont know it themselves he is making them fight towards their own destruction by placing them in battles that slowly wither away at the culture that has kept them trapped in such sinful behaviour in the first place. But that process is a slow and gradual one and I think Canute knows that. That being said it is also clear how this rebellion against god is an analogy for Lucifer the same way Thorfins behaviour is an analogy for Christ. The writing here is just in a completely different world. I know you guys said this episode that Canutes philosophy doesnt make sense but in my opinion is it makes perfect sense he is completely lucid in this ambition and it is an admirable goal. This might be my favourite writing for an anti-hero ever.

Müfit Aslan June 6, 2023 - 11:31 am

If you're interested in history, here is a link about the story of real King Cnut and the tides: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Canute_and_the_tide I only recently discovered that the scene Canute commanding the waves to stop was inspired from this story.

evilmar June 6, 2023 - 11:41 am

those trashy ecchi and isekais are worthy of saving just like the vikings

Araragi Senpai June 6, 2023 - 12:05 pm

Thanks for your reaction and long discussions, this was an episode worthy of all your impressions about the themes and characters involved. <3

SwagKage June 6, 2023 - 12:51 pm

Vinland Saga is the best anime out right now and it’s not even fucking close.

Odradek is here June 6, 2023 - 1:12 pm

40:00 Carson with the great philosophical analysis, to quote Hannah Arendt in "The origin of totalitarism": "What the masses refuse to recognize is the fortuitous nature of reality. They are predisposed to all ideologies because these explain facts as mere examples of laws, and eliminate coincidences by inventing a supreme, universal power that is supposed to be at the origin of all accidents. Totalitarian propaganda flourishes in this flight from reality to fiction, from coincidence to coherence. "

Octavio Rueda June 6, 2023 - 1:12 pm

Another reminder to myself and many others that anime/manga is Art and I'm glad I stuck with it all this time even during the awkward times when it was looked down on.

Kings AMV June 6, 2023 - 1:29 pm

5:35 Einar quietly whispered, "Let him cook!". Snake understood in a heartbeat.

Nobody June 6, 2023 - 3:16 pm

I don't even watch animes these days but i won't mind another 100 eps of Vinland

JoeMadrid June 6, 2023 - 4:10 pm

Thorfinn topped all of the MCs I know … his peace talk is faaaar better than Naruto's trash talk no jutsu

YuWho June 6, 2023 - 4:13 pm

Do she have heterochromia?

Dediu Alex June 6, 2023 - 5:23 pm

That was a stupid theory at the end Carson wtf 😂😂

Kaio June 6, 2023 - 5:58 pm

8:35 bro literally died from peak fiction.

Bolt June 6, 2023 - 6:42 pm

I'm actually shocked at you guys discussion about Canute, hiding in excuses and saying something he doesn't mean like what? How did you get that conclusion??
No matter how noble his cause is just like thorkell told him at the start of the season he will never be able to achieve what he wants by avoiding fights, he can't build what he wants without blood and manipulation and it is useless to avoid that because his path was builded on corpses from the start, that's just the way the world worked at this time and as the head of all vikings he can't be "weak" and that's what messed him up. Like bro they always show that he feels terrible about doing what he does sometimes and he hates fighting more than anything but he has no other choice and even tho he set ketil up he gave him multiple chances to surrender without fighting. That's what makes him an s tier character but to diminished all that to just call him a villain that hides in excuses of paradise is very shocking coming from both of you i'm just saying

Tyler Clear June 6, 2023 - 7:18 pm

They removed one of the funniest out of context lines. When Einar is yelling at Canute for being a thief he says "I bet you've never held a hoe in your life"…

safari June 6, 2023 - 8:54 pm

Yall do not understand King Canute at all

Cristálido June 7, 2023 - 12:49 am

A small clarification, "Karlsefni" is not his real life last name, I think… It's the nickname he got after his excursion to Vinland, it meant "man of tomorrow" or "man of strenght, something like that, and in Vinland Saga he got it after defeating Thorkell in the 1v1 duel.

bengie June 7, 2023 - 10:41 am

This is a detail some people missed: Drott didn’t actually miss The 100th punch due to exhaustion, he purposely punched Thorfinns chest as a show of respect in recognition of Thorfinns efforts.

jayming shi June 7, 2023 - 12:44 pm

Regardless of whether it is God or the moon that drives the tide, it is a force far beyond human beings. The king cannot order the waves to calm down. Similarly, the general law of social development, which is the so-called "curse of the crown" in the anime, is not something Canute can overcome. As long as Canute is King of the North Sea, he can only be the leader of the Viking bandit leader, the spokesman of his people and class-the Viking Warload class. The hero can only go with the times, it looks like the king has unlimited power, but if he betrays the crown, he will have his head moved the next day. No matter how hard Canute struggles, he cannot escape the fate of being a slave to the crown

Goltack June 7, 2023 - 1:11 pm


Dr Xstream1 June 7, 2023 - 2:29 pm

When thorfinn said I just met you today, I don't have enemies gave me mad goosebumps

Dr Xstream1 June 7, 2023 - 2:29 pm

Such a powerful scene

aaa June 7, 2023 - 4:25 pm

I love you guys, you're cool, God bless you

RikaRieGaming June 7, 2023 - 9:28 pm

What's funny Canute, Thorfinn, and Einar were either right or wrong, for that time period, Canute's plan was realistic imo. Thanks to folks like him; people like Thorfinn can shape laws for normal people like Einar or that's how I took it.

FELIPE June 8, 2023 - 12:49 am

Vcs ficam rindo o tempo todo em um episódio tão sério e grandioso como esse

Dihan Islam June 8, 2023 - 3:59 pm

Canute became Eren

Black Lab June 8, 2023 - 7:13 pm

Gandhi followed Non Violence to stage his protest against the once mighty British Empire ❤

Vlad Cirus June 8, 2023 - 8:11 pm

How can you say it doesn't make any sense when Cnut actually did it? :)) He united almost all Viking lands, pretty peacefully, he brought peace to the North, all the remaining petty kingdoms were too small to confront him so they were also at peace. And I think he swore fealty to the Holy Roman Emperor so he ensured no foreign intervention and he basically cemented Christianity everywhere… Just a generation later the Viking age was done. It's not that Scandinavia became peaceful, no, but there was a very big cultural change.

wym g June 8, 2023 - 9:53 pm

We have no enemies

Except those that eat pineapppe pizza….they are the enemy

Kyle Johnson June 9, 2023 - 3:17 am

This episode of Binland Saga was top tier

Leila Stondom June 9, 2023 - 5:33 am

I slightly agree with you guys, but it hurts my heart seeing you guys call Canute and his ideology stupid.

Thorfinn's pacifism isn't going to be able to end this violence and destruction and if you guys think it is, that's more surprising to me. Thorfinn himself admits it. His goal isn't even to convert this violence into peace. He's running away to Vinland to create a new world and that's as Thorfinn said something to be proud of. Sometimes its better to run when you know your ideals won't survive. Thors did the same and Thorfinn is doing the same. And that's the difference between Thorfinn and Canute. Canute knows in this era of Vikings that only violent means can achieve peace as unfair as it is. And as you guys said, even when that peace is achieved it will be hanging by a thread. I'd say both Thorfinn's and Canute's logic won't be able to achieve peace and there should be some middle ground solution that Vinland Saga is trying to explore.

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