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End of Aggretsuko (Season 5 Review)


Season 5 of Aggretsuko just released, and I wanted to share my mixed opinions on it, as well as how this reflects on Aggretsuko as a whole. Be warned there are spoilers but if you’re reading this I think you’d already know.

Thank you to @1billionangles (on instagram and twitter) for the amazing thumbnail commission, as well as the background paintings and font that I use.

Feel free to follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok @colby2D I post funny clips I don’t always mention in the videos there, as well as other random stuff like my dog.

Let me know what you think! Likes, comments, and subscribes are appreciated more than you’d think!

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Colby2D February 27, 2023 - 5:08 pm

I've just made a new video where I rank and quickly discuss all Aggretsuko seasons! https://youtu.be/u8sqnVJ6Tbo and the Christmas Special is included here :] Thanks for watching!

Felix The Cat 1919 PSN March 3, 2023 - 6:25 am

Idk 🤔 I felt like I enjoyed this whole series & kinda enjoy season 4 & 5 more for the drama or what happen to Haida despite the criticism..😳 With many shots 🥃 I drank when season 5 came out, I didn't really care what the outcome was. 🙀😹😸 I mean I felt like the ending could of done better, but that's the only flaw I saw that needed work.
I agree with the marriage part..!? All we saw was the paper work but no Wedding or the ideas in this video you pointed out.😑
Nevertheless, I still 😻 this show & was a trip. 🐱😼 Now I'm just waiting on Beastars Final Season 3 (2024 or 2025).

pancake uwu March 3, 2023 - 6:29 am

i watched the show and didn't even realise they got married 😭

TheJadeFist March 3, 2023 - 7:06 am

What I think would have been more fitting for the election arch, was Retsuko saying she didn't really want to win, she just wanted Jirou to lose because he made her mad for the way he treated his brother. Something to give her to be mad at, which is kinda supposed to be her thing of being mad at things. Then maybe you can still have some warm fuzzy good ending with Jirou still doing the same surprise reformation kind of thing, and the brothers coming to an understanding or something idk. She completely lacked a motivation this whole season, which i mean is sometimes how life is I guess, you're just going along.

GamePapa March 3, 2023 - 9:36 am

One thing to be remembered is that Aggretsuko is an anime written by and aimed at Japanese folks. Of course, a lot of contexts will be lost to us who did not have intimate knowledge of the culture. It's kind of like telling a Dumb Pollock joke to a Japanese folk and having them stare back at you looking all confused and asking why Americans love making fun of Polish people.

Luciana M March 3, 2023 - 6:27 pm

you know my friends and i when we saw the gaming scene with haida we said LOL( lol means league of legends)✨✨

gen101394 March 3, 2023 - 8:32 pm

I love Tadano, but he really pissed me off when he bought the internet cafe. He didn't buy it to help Retsuko. He bought it for himself. He even says that he just wanted the manga, which he could have bought on his own. Instead he decides to buy a business and kick everyone out of it. That includes the people who are homeless and using it as a place to sleep. He claims he wants to make life better for everyone, but he showed himself to just be a selfish rich guy. You know the only reason he let Retsuko use the space was because it was Retsuko and he's still in love with her.

Gilbert_SHORK March 3, 2023 - 11:36 pm

I remember mike and melissa

Ravenous Rex March 4, 2023 - 1:49 am

How hard would it have been to just give us 2 seasons of haida and retsuko dating and getting married at the end. Season 1-3 was great because of how relatable it was. They should've kept the idea of somewhat believable instead of going into this crazy stuff.

I would've loved 2 simple seasons building on the things the established in seasons 1-3 but yet again I am left disappointed

Spikey Spike March 4, 2023 - 3:30 am

There was a Christmas special where you see Retsuko reject Hida, but it can easily be missed.

TheLastToKnow March 4, 2023 - 3:35 am

Wow that’s crazy. I thought it was when they showed the father sitting next to haida in the photo. I know it’s like they hired a hit man but it kind of implied that his brother tried to eliminate him. Also with the line there’s more cops then usual. I was thinking they would play that as a loose cannon with rage or when using her new mic blast on him, they try and keep her contained until after election. One more reason why she didn’t needed a mic blast power last season.

Krstorm402 March 4, 2023 - 5:18 am

Bro, no one mentions Retsuko and Haida get married 😭

Bethany H March 4, 2023 - 5:40 am

My biggest problem was the issue with the truck. Jiro says he wasn't involved with the truck, but Haida hadn't really talked about getting attacked before with anyone. So, it came out of left field, and I kept thinking that Jiro was behind it all just because of how suspicious it was and how the truck had been timed so perfectly after Jiro was backed into a corner. Nothing became of that incident, and no one was ever caught or gotten into trouble for the attempted murder. I know the justice system is garbage over there (from what I've heard from a lot of Japanese residents online), but it still would have been nice to at least have had some inclination that it had NOT been Jiro, like the introduction of a different candidate, discourse with a different party, etc. It just felt like it came to inspire Retsuko, and that was it.

BatRen04 Ren March 4, 2023 - 6:38 am

I love this. I'm so glad you're channel showed up on my page.

Treecko Origins March 4, 2023 - 12:05 pm

Wait, this was the series finale of Aggretsuko?! SINCE WHEN???!!!

Ellis March 4, 2023 - 1:39 pm

Wasn’t retsuko rejecting Haida in that Christmas special between season 1 and 2

Liz March 4, 2023 - 2:05 pm

Suffering for 4 seasons just to get 0 cute scenes between Retsuko and Haida. We had so much screentime about her past relationships, and when it finally came time for Haida there was no chemistry.
Also, Fenneko was one of my fav characters, she always contributed to the plot with her cleverness, and they gave her no justice. No character development (as long as we know she still has a video game and social media addiction). In season 4, she also mentioned knowing how it feels to not be loved back, suggesting she may like Haida. I shipped her with Tsunoda but I'm pretending too much at this point
The politician was the only character I hated in the entire show. Everyone, good or bad, had their story, motivation, and development, but this guy seemed more like a "funny" caricature than a tridimensional being.
The worst part of the show was Retsuko accepting the politician role. For the first half of the season, she pushed Haida to find a job without even asking him once if he would be happy working as an accountant, completely missing the point of Haida's decisions last season. And now, just because she got pushed, she accepts to quit her job (or at least as I understood, since the politician said to her she should have quit her full-time to participate, but then we saw her at the office, ssso yeah big plot hole), when having a job was the most important thing in the world since the last episode, just because she still is, as season 1 episode 1, a people pleaser. Not only she didn't redeem herself by her good girl mask, but for me, it's even worse, because now she is pushed by others to do something she loves as performing, probably making her hate the only thing she saw as her safe space.

MrGullisYT March 4, 2023 - 6:12 pm

I was satisfied enough I guess (honestly idk, i just watched it, and might be in the coping phase) , but like most of the season, I think the final episode was too short, and felt a bit rushed.
I agree on the election story arc. I just didn't care much about it. I could have done without that

Seeing as this was the final season, It would have been nice to get a better send off to most of the characters. Like come on, at least let us see Haida put that ring on her finger!

PrincessRiko March 4, 2023 - 7:07 pm

The thing that made me just wanna press my finger on both their foreheads out of disgusted annoyance that they don’t hold hands!! Or at least one little peck kiss on the cheek.
And they got married just like that.
Well…now for the ova. It’s gonna happen. Ova on their wedding 💒

Mags March 4, 2023 - 9:04 pm

This show really turned sour for me around the end of season 4 leading into season 5 because of the strange implication the show believes that retsuko needs to be forced into things she does, even when she says no. there's something inherently icky to me about so many characters insisting that Retsuko "actually secretly enjoys" things she is protesting or uncomfortable with. In a different show, whatever, it's japan. it's a sketchy but relatively common trope. but this is a show that decided to depict a violent assault and then had a character tell a traumatized Retsuko to essentially "suck it up, buttercup, you're bumming everyone out with your PTSD". I actually actively started hating Haida's character after that part, so season 5 was already a slog for me. and after 5 seasons, shouldn't we expect Retsuko to be heard when she tells people "no" by now? It feels tired. we've been going through this for 5 seasons. enough.

Nana Nerd Studio March 5, 2023 - 12:27 am

After watching Aggretsuko season 5, my thoughts were that it felt incomplete as if there was supposed to be another series to conclude the story. Hypothetically, if the studio decided to conclude the story of Aggretsuko, they would have to turn it into a movie. It would be titled, "Aggretsuko: The Final Rage" the movie.

PEPPER-PEZ March 5, 2023 - 6:32 am

Haida got rejected in the Christmas special

Peter Stoate March 5, 2023 - 11:21 am

It was an amazing program but I don't agree with the final ending!!

I know they won't but they should do one more temporary episode! Like what they did for a Christmas special!!

Like what has now officially happened after the results! Of course we know what happens!

I'm not going to give out spoilers but still it shouldn't have concluded like that!!

Vivian P March 5, 2023 - 1:18 pm

i know this isn’t the final season it just can’t be 😭 come on Sanrio give us want we want please even if it’s in a couple of years

Xardas80 March 5, 2023 - 1:19 pm

Am I the only one who feels Innui had way better chemistry with Haida than Retsuko? I don't know after season 1 the pairing kinda fell into this amorphus blob of something that didn't really have any definitive form. I'unno it was weird.

Irken Pony March 5, 2023 - 4:22 pm

I hope they make a special like the Christmas one, except it’s like, the wedding or something between Retsuko and Haida, and then silly shit happens but it’s like serious/heartwarming at the end.
Yea it would feel not as epic because it wouldn’t be it’s open episode in the main series, but you know, just something, a mini episode or long one about it.

xSoporific March 5, 2023 - 6:03 pm


Greg March 6, 2023 - 1:56 am

It feels as if the season was rushed

SmallHoot March 6, 2023 - 4:44 am

Honestly, I went into this season without realizing it was the last season. And then when it got to the political plot I was just like, “this feels out of place and boring”. Finished off the season thinking it was kinda dull with a lot of missed potential and thought maybe the next season will be better. You know your finale is bad when a viewer doesn’t even realize it’s the finale. Imagine my disappointment to find it was.

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