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Family Amongst Robots! – NieR:Automata Ver1.1a Episode 2 Impressions!


Episode 2 Impressions of NieR:Automata Ver1.1a!

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#anime #nierautomata #review #impressions #reaction #adaptation

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Alexander Georgiev January 14, 2023 - 8:53 pm

Machine Waifus is better than Arknights

Nathaniel Cole January 14, 2023 - 9:11 pm

To clearify somthing. You have not seen any humans as of yet. The resistence is androids as well.

Azuma G January 14, 2023 - 9:42 pm

Sadly you will not play the game before watching this entire anime…
At least they are using the video game OST for the anime…
Can't wait for:
– Emil
– The 2 "guys"
– The Amusement Park
– The "King"
– The "This. Cannot. Continue. This. Cannot. Continue. This. Cannot. Continue. This. Cannot. Continue."
– "Beautiful…Beautiful…I MUST BE BEAUTIFUL!"
– And many more…

pcj27 January 14, 2023 - 9:46 pm

In the game, it was more of a surprise when you found out that there were intelligent, peaceful machines. It feels a bit too early to show this side of the robots. And every character is an android, even the resistance fighters.

Jesus Jimenez January 14, 2023 - 9:56 pm

Great video ty

Karaluch Nine January 14, 2023 - 10:04 pm

For me episode 1 was Ok with bad cgi but episode 2 is fire!

Juan Carlos Alonso January 14, 2023 - 10:14 pm

Great video, just one thing: all the “people” in the resistance on Earth are androids, YorHa units are being sent to support older models.

Makise Kuristina January 14, 2023 - 10:15 pm

I have this nagging suspicion who that robot who fell deep in the hole may be… though it may just be me overthinking.

Part of the creation story also harkens back towards Nier Replicant. Oddly, it made me recall a Nier Replicant-Automata lore video that was created 4 years ago. In it, he did explain some events in Replicant that led towards Automata.

And speaking of emotions… does it point to the fact that the robots are developing a sense of self to their world existence? Or their existence in this world helped them develop themselves?

Andrew Sharpe January 14, 2023 - 10:20 pm

Now we're getting to the good stuff! We get content from the Second Playthrough (machine story-time) and original content as well; fleshing out the machines with the garden-tending group was a nice treat.
In the game, the Resistance Leader who recognizes 2B is called Anemone; I'm not sure if they replaced her with this Lily character or if Anemone will show up later on.
Just like in the game it's not 100% clear at first but the Resistance members are all androids, despite looking diverse and "bleeding". The idea of androids eating, drinking, sleeping, etc. was weird to me when I first played the game, but I recently watched the anime Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden and I realized that even 20 years ago the Japanese were depicting androids eating, sleeping, and bleeding blood- all human characteristics I didn't think androids would have.

ezequiel fernandez January 15, 2023 - 12:13 am

so, you are confused? welcome to nier automata andrew, youll get little to nothing at first lol but it make sense once the story progresses, kinda, dont try to get everything now or your head will explode. OST is the same as the game and is beautifull, so many emotions on those songs, i used to listen to it while reading manga and is so powerfull with the right lecture

Алексей 545 January 15, 2023 - 2:40 am

Well…best girl A2 was teased

Its Me Jojo January 15, 2023 - 3:29 am

as much as I feel for the machines, I still found the episode to be boring

Nguyen Phuc January 15, 2023 - 3:34 am

I understand why you are confused but every single member of the Resistant are Android. They are not the YorHa model like 2B and 9S but they still Adroid and not human

Morrigan Renfield January 15, 2023 - 4:19 am

No. There are only androids on earth. No humans.

Morrigan Renfield January 15, 2023 - 4:24 am

Love that they used yoko taro (the game director) as a “child on the moons letter” lmao. Such a doofus.

Freerider2142 January 15, 2023 - 11:03 am

This is basically a filler episode.. which is like when you reach the City Ruins ingame for the first time.
showing you a a bit about the different factions, like Humanity with The Resistance androids and YoRha,
and the Aliens with the Machine Life forms… and that there are different factions within the Machine life forms…
Like the game, a lot might not make sense at first… but it pays dividends in the long run.
the friendly, neutral, enemy (green, yellow, red) eye color of the machines for example… why do they even have different moods if they are machines made only to fight?

!!! A very light Gameplay spoiler about the ending:

Everything in the game has a purpose… from your Chipset like the OS chip so you can function at all (removing will kill you and show the same ), but it goes so much deeper.
sound, minimap, subtitles, damage numbers power ups etc, are all chips you can add or remove as you want from your chipset, creating your personal style android.
and because its androids it makes perfect sense.
everything from respawning to fast travel, to your ingame settings, they all have a purpose and a real ingame reason why they work as they do, making the immersion start when you load up the game, and finish only when you close it.
instead of when you pause, or fast travel, or die like in most games 😉

DutchDread January 15, 2023 - 11:06 am

ahhhh, the nihilism and existential dread has begun.

This cannot continue

This cannot continue

This cannot continue

DutchDread January 15, 2023 - 11:19 am

The part where 2b says 9s's voice is soothing is a great easter egg in the game itself.
Pseudo spoilers about how this happens in the game…I guess:

In the game you go through your menu settings under 9s's supervision, adjusting brightness and such. If you go into setting like "vibration" you can find a bunch of small easter eggs and make 9s uncomfortable. But the best part is that it says in the corner of the screen that the session is being recorded, and indeed, later on in the game said recording is actually replayed so you can see yourself messing about with 2b's settings.

Khant Soe Naung January 15, 2023 - 6:22 pm

War bad , read book 😂

Radek Pieniak January 15, 2023 - 10:01 pm

This episode gives me hope for this series, this story is not just recreation of the game, and this is great.
Lily is android from the lore connected to "Pearl Harbor descend operation"(i hope that this stage play will be adapted in this anime) that is very important for the world building

MrMLaidlaw January 16, 2023 - 10:01 pm

Lily was probably on the joint mission with Yohra and saw what happend afterwards….

MR, Joe Mikey Mercado January 16, 2023 - 10:59 pm

I'm great FaN of Nier automata, games on pC,, & 2B,,💕 my best Android Waifu,, she's so amazing,, the world of Human & machines,, in the year of 5012,, the best anime Ever,, ☺️😆😀

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